Tips for uncovering content ideas & repurposing existing content Deciding to create content for your business is one thing, but coming up with content ideas can be pretty overwhelming. Thankfully, you likely already have a lot of great materials that can be repurposed to create fresh and compelling content — you just have to know […]
Tag Archives: Blog Writing
If you’re a small business owner, chances are content marketing is one of your top priorities. After all, content is an important part of any digital marketing strategy. But with so much content being published every day, standing out from the crowd is a tall order. And if you’re not careful, your content marketing efforts […]
Blog writing takes more strategy and planning than many people think. With just a couple steps in the wrong direction, your business blog article can lose tremendous value. But if you know what mistakes might lessen the impact of your message, you’ll know how to best channel your efforts. Here are 20 common blogging errors […]
Why are attention-grabbing blog headlines so critical to a blog article’s success? Because catching readers’ attention online today is harder than ever. The sheer volume of content being released on a daily basis continues to grow: Over 5 million new blog articles are posted everyday. Readers are literally being flooded with information. With so much content out […]
Deciding to start a business blog may initially seem like a lot of work—all those hours coming up with topics, writing articles, and finding images—for very little payoff (will it even lead to sales?). So is it really worth it? The short answer: YES, absolutely! Before we get started talking about the numerous benefits of […]
The holiday season will soon be upon us and you know what that means – shopping! Endless amounts of shopping. And if you’re a retailer, the holidays equal late hours and little sleep (also known as stress). On top of all the sales, there’s also the marketing to consider. Learning how to write a holiday […]